Winter Farmers Market Rules and Regulations

Winter Season
Rules and Regulations

9 am - 12 pm
University Mall Theater Entrance

Ellen Esling
Food Works Farmers Market Manager
[email protected]

All applicants who wish to participate in the WFM must read the following document fully and carefully. Please note, WFM may modify these rules and regulations at any time and can take any action to enforce these rules.

About the Market

Food Works Winter Farmers Market is a producer-only farmers market, whose goal is to provide a community space for local producers, farmers, and artisans to retail their products. We highly encourage participants to provide products that are sustainably produced and ethically raised. Our goal of the market is to educate our community on the importance of healthy locally produced food and to provide access to these products or services. WFM is a program of Food Works, a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization. For more information please visit:

Hours of Operation and Attendance

WFM runs every Saturday from the beginning of December to the end of March. 

PLEASE NOTE: Hours have changed from previous seasons and are now 9am-12pm

  • Vendors must be on site and set up by 8:45am. A $10 penalty will be applied for vendors showing up and setting up after 8:45 am. 
  • Vendors canceling with less than 24 hours notice (by 10 am Friday) or who are a No Show will result in a $10 penalty.  Vendors are responsible for getting in direct contact with the farmers market manager in regards to cancellations by phone, text, or email.
  • Vendors are prohibited from tearing down or leaving before 12pm unless given permission by management prior to market starting. 
  • Excessive absences or late arrivals will result in review of the vendor’s future eligibility to participate in FWM

Important Dates

  • September 1, 2024 - Vendor Forms are due (Vendors are welcome to apply for a spot after this date and throughout the market season).
  • October 1, 2024 - Market Manager will begin to contact vendors who have been accepted.
  • November 1, 2024 - All required documentation, proof of insurance, license, and certifications are due. Please email files to [email protected]
  • December 7, 2024 - Opening day of market
  • March 29, 2024 - Last Market of 24/25 Season

Unloading and Parking

Vendors are able to pull up and unload from their vehicle at the theater entrance and the side door entrance prior to 8:45 am. Please note the side door entrance is always locked. Vendors are able to prop the door open to unload but we please ask that the door is kept closed and locked after doing so. To maximize efficiency, please, quickly unload your items and leave them right inside the doors, park your car, and then come back to move your items to your assigned vendor space. Vendors are asked to park in the lots South of the Theater entrance. MEAT VENDORS: Please park as close as you can in the East lot to allow easier access to your trailers. 

  • All items being moved across the mall floor must be on wheels (hand cart or in a wagon)  in order to avoid damage on the mall floor

Product Requirements

WFM is a “Producer Only” market. This means that vendors can only sell products they have grown, cooked/baked, or made themselves.  Agricultural products (vegetables, meats, dairy) must have been produced on the vendor’s own land or land they control, so that the vendor can guarantee growing/raising practices. Ready to eat products and prepared food vendors may sell only food that they have personally created and we highly encourage supporting other local growers by buying products from local farmers when possible. 

  • Products must have proper labeling when required by local, state or federal authorities
  • Farmers that are permitted to sell produce and products from farmers within a collective or cooperative may be able to sell with permission from the market. 
  • The resale of agricultural products is prohibited.
  • WFM and the market manager reserve the right to refuse the sale of any product, especially where prohibited by state or local laws or legislations. 

Vendor Stall Assignments and Set Up

WFM does not guarantee a vendor's stall assignment. WFM layout is made at the discretion of the Market Manager. 

Changes for the 2024-2025 season: 

Food Works is dedicated to creating a sustainable food economy in Southern Illinois, with the goals to promote healthy soils, healthy food and healthy communities. With these criteria in mind, applications will be reviewed and prioritized based on most closely aligning with those criteria. This season we will offer seasonal vending spots based on these priority criteria. Vendor placement will not only be determined by seniority status. When selecting vendors for the market we are prioritizing the following: (1 being most priority, 5 being less priority but still awesome, obviously)  

  1. Locally grown produce, meat or dairy 
  2. Value-added food products with priority consideration to those who are growing their own ingredients 
  3. Value-added food products with priority consideration to those who are sourcing ingredients locally 
  4. Market seniority (how long vendors have been vending at the winter indoor market)
  5. Crafts and artisans 

Seasonal vendors will be given a permanent stall location for the season and the daily vendors will be rotated in and out around these seasonal vendor spots. 

If you are in need of a POWER OUTLET- Please reach out to the Market Manager as only certain stalls have that capability. All vendors will have a 10 x 10 foot space available to them. Vendors will be able to set up an 8 foot table at the front and may set up additional tables on the sides if needed. Please keep in mind the use of vertical space within your set up. 

  • If you are in need of extra stall space for additional table set up there will be an additional $15 vendor fee associated on market day.
  • Vendors are responsible for their own set up and tear down. Vendors must provide their own chairs and tables. No tents.
  • Vendor identification: All vendors must display a sign that clearly identifies the name of their business, contact information, and location of their organization. 

Sampling : Vendors sampling at the market must provide a Farmers Market Sampler Certificate 

  • Keep samples in clean, covered containers
  • Use toothpicks or utensils to distribute the samples
  • Keep control of samples at all times.
  • Provide a waste container at the sampling area for public use.
  • Have an appropriate hand washing station
  • Note: Sampling Licence is not needed for Cottage Food Vendors sampling with prepackaged samples. Vendors can bring properly packaged (small container with lid)  samples from home with products already approved by the health department.

Additional Market Currencies


For the 2024-2025 Winter Market season, in lieu of SNAP tokens, we will offer WFM coupons for customer use. All WFM vendors must participate in our program. Vendors will be reimbursed fully for collected coupon value: no fees. Vendors are allowed to turn in coupons for reimbursement once they reach a value of $20. The WFM coupons will be in increments of $1 and $2. Do not make change for these. These WFM coupons are able to be spent on non-ready- to-eat foods.  

Link Match coupons are in $1 increments. Link Match coupons are able to be used at other farmers markets in the area and are only able to be used on locally-grown produce. 

We also have $5 credit card coupons to be used like cash. Cash change is able to be given with credit card coupons. 

Vendors will not be reimbursed for tokens or Link Match coupons that are not produced by WFM or the correct Link Match Coupons. 

A coupon guide will be provided to you at the market with more information and pictures. It is a new requirement that vendors must provide bank account information so that Food Works can send alternative currency reimbursement via ACH transfer on a weekly basis. Once accepted as a vendor, the market manager will send an ACH transfer form to be completed and sent prior to November 1st. NO PAPER CHECKS WILL BE WRITTEN FOR REIMBURSEMENT THIS SEASON :)

Data Collection and Vendor Forms

A vendor form will be distributed at the close of each market. All vendors are required to share their daily sales total with WFM staff via this form. This information helps us determine your vendor fees and provides important information for WFM grant writing purposes as it shows the economic impact of the market. Any use of this data will be as an aggregate total; it is never shared outside Food Works.

Vendor Fees

Vendor Fees: Are on a sliding scale based on reported sales.

Daily Sales: <$100
Daily Fee: $10

Daily Sales: $101-$175
Daily Fee: $15

Daily Sales: $176-$250
Daily Fee: $20

Daily Sales: >$250
Daily Fee: $25

Vendors pay fee AFTER each market. We will never charge a vendor fee prior to the market. Please watch for scams!

Extras Fees

No show or less than 24 hour notice of cancelation - $15

Tardy Fee (show up after 8:45 am)-  $10

Extra booth space $15 per market

Insurance and Tax Information

  • Once approved to be in the market, all vendors must provide proof of liability insurance prior to vending at the market in the form of a "Certificate of Insurance" listing the following as "additional insured": Food Works Winter Farmers Market: 1237 E Main St, Carbondale, IL 62901. The market’s use of facilities contract with University Mall requires vendors and the market to provide liability insurance. Food Works, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, is the managing body for the market. This document may be emailed directly from your insurance provider to [email protected]. Policy minimum is $300,000. 
  • It is the law that vendors report and submit sales tax for products sold at the market. It is the vendors responsibility to make sure they are paying all local and state agencies at the proper percentages when applicable. WFM does not collect sales tax. Raw foods are taxed at 1%, and processed foods and non-food goods are currently taxed at 6.25% and taxes are payable to the Illinois Department of Revenue.


Marketing for WFM is a joint venture between the market and vendors. WFM will promote vendors through social media, the WFM website (, weekly emails to customers, all Food Works media avenues, and Press Releases. Vendors are encouraged to help promote by word of mouth, distribution of materials, and promoting the market on vendor’s social media pages. Please reach out to the market manager by email on specials, new availability of seasonal items, or any market related items you wish to promote. Vendors are also encouraged to promote the market by helping to create a charming and community based atmosphere as well as being respectful and engaging with customers.

Meat and Poultry Producers

  • All meat products brought to market must be raised by the vendor. Animals not raised from birth must have been raised the majority of the its life span by farmer/Vendor
  • All items must be packaged and properly labeled and kept frozen at the time of slaughter and remain frozen until sold
  • Product temperature must be maintained in a frozen state checked throughout the market. Insulated coolers and freezers must meet Jackson County Health Department  standards.
  • Meat, meat products, poultry and poultry products offered for sale at farmers markets must bear an IDOA or USDA inspection legend and other required labeling (product description, ingredients) on every container/package. 
  • All meat vendors are required to provide proper certification from Illinois Department of Agriculture and Jackson County Health Department

Dairy and Cheese Producers

  • Dairy and cheese must be held at a constant forty degrees Fahrenheit temperature
  • Jackson County Health Department permits

Egg Vendors

  • Vendors must comply with state regulations for egg production and selling including packaging and labeling requirements. 
  • Vendors must provide a State of Illinois Egg License. 
  • Eggs must be held at 40 degrees Fahrenheit after harvesting, during transportation, and at market. 
  • Used consumer containers are prohibited.

Value Added/Baked Goods/Corrage Food

  • Please read and understand the new Home to Market Act:   
  • Producers who are not growers are strongly encouraged to incorporate products from local growers/producers
  • All value added products must follow public health labeling, permitting, and other requirements pertaining to processed products. This includes proper signage on vendors tables.  
    • A cottage food placard must be prominently displayed at the point of sale that states: “This product was produced in a home kitchen not inspected by a health department that may also process common food allergens. If you have safety concerns, contact your local health department.”
  • Permits, Licenses, Registration or Training Required for Cottage Food Vendors
    • Food Service Sanitation Manager Certification (FSSMC)
    • Annual registration in the county in which the person resides including fees paid

Honey Producers

  • Honey must be produced by bees kept and or managed by the vendor. 
  • Honey must not be adulterated

Soap Vendors, Cosmetics and Health Vendors

  • All ingredients must be FDA approved
  • Labels must include all ingredients and contact information
  • No resale of items is permitted
  • Vendors must make their own products

Pet Food/Treat Vendors

  • Pet food is regulated by the Illinois Department of Agriculture (IDOA). The Bureau of Agricultural Products Inspection is responsible for overseeing compliance with the Illinois Commercial Feed Act, including the licensing of manufacturers or distributors of pet foods and registration of their products before distribution in the state. Anyone who wishes to make homemade pet food for distribution also must comply with these requirements and follow rules on pet food labeling

Artisan and Crafters

Suitable Products Given Priority to Include but Not Limited To: • Weaving • Jewelry that uses foraged parts/pieces, handcrafted beads, or repurposed materials • Glass blowing • Sewing & quilting with limited machine use • Pottery • Carvings • Sculpture • Woodwork • Painting, drawing or other forms of illustration.

  • No resale of products allowed
  • All potential artisans and crafters will be juried by Food Works staff based on quality, originality, uniqueness of each piece, skilled execution or technique, and materials. Duplicate vendors with similar items will be kept to a minimum

Disciplinary Actions

  • Complaints must be in writing and brought to the attention of the Market Manager, who will attempt to resolve the issue. If the problem cannot be resolved, the concern will be presented to the Director and Board of Food Works for review and possible action. 
  • The following are causes for denial or loss of vendor selling privileges:
    • Failure to pay fees
    • Violation of any rules as specified in the WFM policies. 
    • Disruptive or abusive conduct or language.  
    • Verified written complaints against a vendor showing reasonably conclusive evidence that said vendor has practiced deception by displaying or selling merchandise packaged to misrepresent the quality or condition of, or production practices of the merchandise, or that said vendor has given false information regarding the origin, variety, quality, condition or value of merchandise are grounds for dismissal from WFM with no refunds of fees paid and removal from future participation in the Market. 
    • Vendor fees will not be refunded if the vendor is terminated.
    • Failure to comply with State of Illinois, health code regulations, County regulations or City of Carbondale regulations and laws.

Review of Required Documentation

(Please note this list is subject to change without notice)

  • All Vendors
    • Certificate of Insurance 
    • Completed and signed ACH Bank Transfer Form (for alternative currency reimbursements) 
    • Farmers Market Sampling Certificate - if sampling  open items on site (Cottage Food Vendors can bring properly packaged samples from their home and not carry a sampling license- items must be pre portioned and in secure packaging with lid)
  • Cottage Food/ Bakers/ Value added 
    • Food Service Sanitation Manager Certification (FSSMC) 
    • Annual registration in the county in which the person resides including fees paid- 2023/2024
    • If cooking in a commercial kitchen please provide the current county health inspection of the commercial Kitchen.
  • Meat Vendors
    • Jackson County Health Department Mobile Retail License 
    • Meat Brokers License or proof of processing at Type 1 Bureau of Meat and Poultry license (items for retail must be inspected and properly labeled) 
  • Egg Vendors
    • State of Illinois Egg License- Department of Agriculture. 
  • Pet Food/Dog Treats
    • Illinois Department of Agriculture Feed Distribution and Manufacturing License 
  • Dairy 
    • Jackson County Health Department License

Contact Information

Ellen Esling
Food Works Farmers Market Manager 
[email protected]


Jennifer W.S. Paulson
Executive Director Food Works
[email protected]
618-370-3287  ext. 101


Food Works
P.O. Box 3855
Carbondale, IL 62902
Facebook: @fwsoil


Food Works Winter Farmers Market
Facebook: @communityfarmersmarket

Food Works is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating a sustainable food economy in Southern Illinois.
(618) 370-3287[email protected]
Food Works
PO Box 3855
Carbondale, IL 62901
Copyright 2025 Food Works of Southern Illinois