Farming Alliance

The Southern Illinois Farming Alliance is a farmer-driven network whose focus is to encourage area farmers to learn from one another. The Alliance provides structure for peer-to-peer educational opportunities for beginning and intermediate farmers through field days and social networking opportunities. Many of our gatherings are hosted on farm and include opportunities to ask questions, share stories, and enjoy good food. Food Works also organizes long-form seminars and special guest speakers for farmers who have established farms and are looking to delve more deeply into specific ideas, techniques, and best business practices.

Educational Events

All educational events, field days and workshops will be farmer driven and led. We strive to select farms and farmers with unique approaches to lead field days. 

During the field day, hosts will lead the group on a short farm tour, focusing in on one element of production that has been a success or challenge that they can share with the group. Participants are encouraged to ask questions and share experiences during the event. Each field day will conclude with a potluck and opportunities to socialize with fellow farmer friends.

Social Networking and Communication Network

Social networking is a vital element of all Farming Alliance events. Most field days, meetings, and events will include food either through potluck or provided snacks. There’s no better way to get to know one another than over a farm fresh meal!

Monthly Newsletter

Get updated monthly on upcoming Food Works events, regional educational opportunities, state and national food and farming policy, funding opportunities and other relevant news. Members of the community are welcome to submit content and classifieds to be distributed via the newsletter.


"Despite some 35 years of organic gardening experience, each field day we attend results in motivation to try something new. The developing community of shared experiences among the Alliance is both fun and supportive to all who participate."

Jim and Mary Maginel
Food Works is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating a sustainable food economy in Southern Illinois.
(618) 370-3287[email protected]
Food Works
PO Box 3855
Carbondale, IL 62901
Copyright 2025 Food Works of Southern Illinois