Field Day - Monday, July 24th, 5:30 - 8pm @ Glaciers End

Glaciers End

Cottage Food & Beyond

Join us for a Field Day event about Cottage Food & Beyond at Glaciers End in Marion, IL.
Glaciers End is a sustainable farm in Johnston City, owned and operated by Derek & Libby Ervin. They have recently expanded into a brick & mortar Specialty Foods shop in Marion after being a Cottage Food business for the past 5 years. Their products are either made from what they grow on their farm or from sourcing locally from other farms. On their farm, they focus on: perennials, specialty crops and foraging and cultivate unique varieties of fruit, vegetables, flowers and herbs. They use natural fermentation processes as well as traditional methods to preserve their fruit and vegetables producing healthy and delicious creations that they hope challenge and delight the palate. They currently produce Shrub & Pucker drinking Vinegars, Hot Sauces, Pickles, Jams, Jellies, Syrups, Bitters, Vinegar Tonics and Extracts, as well as other interesting and unique creations.

The field day was centered around Cottage Foods, which permits growers and food entrepreneurs to prepare specific foods and beverages in their home kitchen and sell directly to consumers. Libby & Derek Ervin shared their experiences in this area, having been actively involved with the Illinois Stewardship Alliance and the writing and advocacy of the Home-to-Market Act. They discussed how the Act expanded the areas where Cottage Food businesses can sell their products, including on-line shipping within Illinois. Additionally, they talked about the process for expanding into a Commercial Kitchen. The attendees were given a tour of their new space, and the speakers had their products available for tastings and for sale during the event.

Nathan Ryder, Communications Coordinator at Illinois Stewardship Alliance, and Whitney Miller from the Local Foods Program at the Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs, also participated in the event.

Post Event Notes:

Below you will find the contacts for each of our speakers as well as link to their affiliated websites.


Derek & Libby Ervin of Glacier's End


Nathan Ryder with the Illinois Stewardship Alliance

[email protected]


Whitney Miller with the Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs.

[email protected]


Thanks again and don't forget to sign up for our next 

Field Day; Growing Intensively for Market at Beet Root Farm on

Sunday, August 13th at 5pm.

Thank You to all who joined us at Glaciers End in Marion on July 24th, 2023!

Food Works is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating a sustainable food economy in Southern Illinois.
(618) 370-3287[email protected]
Food Works
PO Box 3855
Carbondale, IL 62901
Copyright 2025 Food Works of Southern Illinois