Online Marketing Workshop

With increasing competition for consumers, small farmers seeking to grab a share of the market must learn to use internet-based tools and apply marketing principles to attract new customers and retain existing ones. The choices can be overwhelming though. How can a farmer build a website inexpensively? What tools make online marketing easy and effective? How can I tell what's working?

Food Works is hosting a three-part, hands-on workshop series that will introduce area farmers to online marketing basics and familiarize them with easy-to-use online tools. Participants will develop a detailed marketing plan, and a website template; and they will learn tips for managing social media effectively and email marketing. This workshop is designed for beginning farmers and established farmers looking to improve their web presence and internet marketing.

This workshop will teach you the skills to target and manage your farm internet marketing to achieve your goals.

Workshop details

Dates: Mondays, February 27th, March 6th, and 13th
Time: 5:30 - 8pm 
Cost: $65; $55 for Food Works members
Location John A. Logon

In this workshop you will gain skills in:

Identifying target customers  
Creating a marketing plan 
Drafting content for websites
Designing a drag and drop website
Optimizing for social media 
Constructing email marketing campaigns 

Online Marketing Workshop Registration

Please enter a number from 1 to 100.
number of individuals, (such as a spouse) that will attend the workshop with you
i.e WordPress, Weebly, Wix, Small Farm Central, etc.
1 being no experience and 5 being very experienced.
1 being no experience and 5 being very experienced.
1 being no experience and 5 being very experienced.
1 being no experience and 5 being very experienced.
Food Works is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating a sustainable food economy in Southern Illinois.
(618) 370-3287[email protected]
Food Works
PO Box 3855
Carbondale, IL 62901
Copyright 2024 Food Works